Lilah Fowler & Eva L’Hoest
as part of
‘Sie machen was sie wollen’, Varna City Art Gallery, Bulgaria. 2019.
Curated by Mélange:
‘Sie machen was sie wollen’ is a group show organized by artists Ruslan Daskalov and Lukas Schmenger. They invited four teams of curators to build a physical or imagined house with artworks as occupants.
a. 4075. 2018. Wool, cotton.
b. ASTER relief, North Rhine Westphalia coal mines, polystyrene, aluminium.
c. 33.977, -116.678, 921m, 2016. Silk scarf.
d. Blue Grama, Quemado, New Mexico.
e. Glass electrodes, Missouri.
f. Module 4. 2019. Neon lamp, braided cable, rubber, glass.
g. Charcoal, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. ‘Charcoal Measure’ by Onya McCausland; oak from decommissioned ‘Place’ by Magdalena Jetelova.
Ⓒ Lilah Fowler 2024