As the first Artist-in-Residence at Whipps Cross Hospital, Fowler collaborated with Vital Arts and Waltham Forest London Borough of Culture 2019, to create an installation along the main public corridor of the hospital.
This commission considers the legacy of the Borough and took inspiration from the ‘magic lantern’ slides discovered in the Epping Forest and Vestry Museum archives. Entitled ‘Lantern Forest’, the artwork includes drawn and photographic images of flora and fauna found locally. Working on glazed sections of the corridor, the transparency of the square window panes recreates a sense of the 19th century tradition of images on glass used in early photography. The work encourages viewers to look up and out through the windows, making a possible connection with the restorative forest that lays on the edge of the hospital’s premises.
Photography: Ollie Harrop.
Ⓒ Lilah Fowler 2024